Content Overview 
- Summary
- Am I A Good Candidate For Starting A Business?
- Determine The Type Of Business You Wish To Operate
- Do Your Research
- Create A Business Plan
- Determine How Much Money You Will Need To Get Started
- Determine How You Will Finance Your Business
- Should You Disclose Your Health Condition To Investors/Lenders?
- Consider Health Insurance And Other Benefits
- Determine Which Experts Will Be A Part Of Your Team
- Think About What You Want To Happen If You Become Sick, Either For A Short Or Longer Period Of Time
- Consider Leasing Yourself To Your Business
- There Is A Lot Of Free Help Available To Start A New Business
- If You Have A Disability And Are Considering Starting Your Own Business
- Consider How The Business Will Affect Your Family, Spouse, Partner
Work: Starting Your Own Business
Determine How You Will Finance Your Business
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Options for financing a business include :
Use your own funds
- Using your own money shows that you are serious, while giving other potential investors confidence.
- More than one business has been started by maximizing debt on credit cards. If you use credit cards to start the business:
- Try to get credit life insurance on the card, and hopefully even credit disability coverage. The life insurance will pay off the debt in case you die. The disability coverage will postpone payment if you become disabled.
- Be careful not to overextend yourself.
- Think about what would happen if the business fails and you're stuck with the credit card debt.
Friends and family
- Consider all family members, partners, friends and acquaintances as potential investors in your venture.
- Money advisors suggest that you do not ask people to invest who cannot afford to lose all the money.
Commercial finance companies
Venture capital firms
Local development companies
- The federal government funds Community Development Financial Institutions ("CDFI"). To find a certified CDFI institution in your area, call: 202. 653.0421
- If you deal with any of these companies, in addition to understanding the arrangement, watch for the details in the fine print.
Small Business Administration Loan
- To learn more, see:
- Banks cannot ask about your health condition when considering whether to give you a loan.
- You are under no obligation to disclose your health condition.
Credit Unions
Veterans Assitance
- Assistance is available for veterans. For information, see:
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