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Wheelchairs 101

Getting The Chair

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Once you and your team have decided upon a chair and made the proper measurements for it, your physician will write it up as a prescription. Read the prescription to make sure it is accurate and describes what you intend to order.

If there is a payer, such as Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance, your physician will probably have to send the prescription for review and “preauthorization” of coverage for the chair and the price.

Once the payer approves the order, the chair is ordered.

It may take one to three months from your first consultation to arrival of the chair.

Once the chair arrives, make sure your therapist accompanies you to pick it up. Do not accept delivery until you and he or she have a chance to thoroughly check it to see that it is exactly what you ordered and that the fit is appropriate. Make an appointment with your physiatrist as soon as possible after delivery so that he or she can double check to be sure it is the chair that was ordered (including critical measurements) and the fit is correct. If possible, have your physiatrist with you when you accept delivery.

If there are problems, contact the manufacturer immediately.

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