Content Overview 
- Summary
- Premium And Cost-Sharing Subsidies For Individuals
- Temporary High-Risk Pools (PCIP)
- Health Insurance Requirement (And Tax Penalty For Not Obtaining Health Insurance)
- Exchanges
- Protections Concerning Health Insurance Policies
- Tax Advantaged Savings Accounts
- Taxes
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Small Businesses Encouraged To Offer Employees Health Plans
- Sale of Health Insurance Across State Lines
- Home Care Insurance (the CLASS program)
- Skilled Nursing Facilities: Disclosure
- Wellness Programs At Work
- Nutritional Information: Chain Restaurants, Vending Machines
- Medical Professionals Training And Recruitment
- Clinical Trials
- Penalty For Not Having Health Insurance
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare): If You Do Not Have Health insurance (Uninsu
Premium And Cost-Sharing Subsidies For Individuals
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For health insurance purchased through an Exchange:
Premium Credits: There will be refundable and advance-able premium credits to eligible individuals and families with incomes between 133-400% of the Federal Poverty Level to purchase insurance through the Exchanges.
The amount of the premium credits will:
- Be tied to the second-lowest cost silver plan offered in an Exchange in the area.
- Be set on a sliding scale.
- Adjust each year to reflect changes in the consumer price index
Cost Sharing subsidies: There will be cost-sharing subsidies to eligible individuals and families.
Premium Credits and Cost Sharing Subsidies and Abortion: Neither federal premium or cost-sharing subsidies can be used to purchase coverage for abortion beyond saving the life of the woman or in cases of rape or incest.
- Eligibility is limited to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants who meet income limits.
- Employees who are offered coverage by an employer are not eligible for premium credits unless the employer plan does not meet minimum standards or if the employee share of the premium exceeds 9.5% of the employee's income.
- Legal immigrants who are barred from enrolling in Medicaid during their first five years in the U.S. will be eligible for premium credits.
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