Content Overview 
- Summary
- You can travel safely during treatment if your doctor permits travel.
- Don't let emotions bottle up inside.
- How To Live With Chemotherapy
- Cancer Surgery 101
- Radiation 101
- Bone Marrow Transplants
- Other Cancer Treatments
- Keep track of your symptoms. If symptoms are more severe than expected, or if unexpected symptoms appear, call your doctor.
- Consider the practical aspects of being in treatment.
- Reduce your risk of infection while in treatment
- Consider adding non-Western treatments ("complementary" or "alternative" treatments) such as massage therapy to your treatment schedule.
- Emotions may run rampant during treatment. Use time tested techniques to help. Take one day at a time. It's not unusual to see life with a different sense of perspective.
- Share your emotions. Watch for depression. Consider seeking counseling. You may also want to consider getting a pet if you don't have one (yes, a pet).
- Think of family and friends as part of your support team. Ask for help when you need it. Your needs are first, but also consider theirs.
- Work issues: If you are an employee, ask for the accommodations which make it possible to juggle treatment and work. If you need time off, negotiate for it. People who are business owners or are self employed should avoid making important decisions if pos
- Start looking at your insurance and financial situation to determine how you will pay for medical care. Even with health insurance, medical care can be costly. Free or low cost care is available if you are Uninsured or Underinsured
- Do finance basics. Pay your rent or mortgage and mniimums on your credit card. Start keeping track of all medical services you receive and expenses you pay. Don't pay a medical bill just because you receive one.
- Financial assistance is available.
- Drugs and treatments do not work in a vacuum. Think of the food you eat, the exercise you get, rest/sleep and even proper care of your mouth as steps you can take to make treatments and drugs most effective.
- Modify your (hopefully)healthy diet to make up for nutrients your treatment uses up. Get dietary counseling.
- Speak with other people who are going through what you are.
- If you have a spouse or significant other, you will both face challenges from the treatment and side effects. There is no right or wrong way to handle the situation. Cooperative problem solving and mutual support is key.
- If you have underage children, tell them about what is going on in an age appropriate manner. Monitor their behavior. Arrange for their care in case something happens to you.
- Schedule a dental check up.
- When treatment ends, celebrate. Read Survivorship A to Z Post Treatment.
In Treatment For Cancer
Work issues: If you are an employee, ask for the accommodations which make it possible to juggle treatment and work. If you need time off, negotiate for it. People who are business owners or are self employed should avoid making important decisions if pos
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For chemotherapy or radiation, you might be able to schedule your treatments late in the day or right before the weekend so that they interfere with work as little as possible. If there is flexibility, surgery can be scheduled during a slow period. You may be able to work from home or arrange a part-time schedule. (These kinds of changes at work to allow you to do your work are known as "accommodations.") Federal laws such as the Americans With Disabilities Act, and similar state laws, require employers to provide people with a "disability" an accommodation. Keep in mind that what you tell co-workers is not confidential information. If you haven't already, look for an advisor at work who has been with the company long enough to know the way people with your diagnosis are treated. She or he can help guide you through the potential minefield. An advisor should be someone you trust not to disclose what you talk about. If you need a change at work because of your health condition or treatment to enable you to do your job, read the Survivorship A to Z article on accommodations to learn how to get one. Start keeping track of anything that may indicate that you are being discriminated against because of your health condition. Include all positive comments you receive. (To learn more, see our information on the Americans With Disabilities Act).
To arrange an accommodation or for time off, you will need to negotiate with your employer. Part of the discussion will be a disclosure of your condition. It is preferable to with a supervisor in human resources. Remind him or her that you expect this information to remain confidential as required by law -- at least until you have a chance to decide who you want to tell and when.
To Learn More
More Information
How To Determine What Is A Reasonable Accommodation For My Job How Does A Business Owner Decide About Disclosing A Serious Medical Condition? Self Employed: Disclosing Your Health Condition Disclosing Your Health Condition To Your Employer COBRA 101 HIPAA 101 Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Work Issues An Advisor At Work Disclosing Your Condition To Co-Workers Benefits At Work