Content Overview 
- Schedule tests to get results soonest
- Use relaxation techniques.
- Keep busy.
- Use your mind to reframe what is happening
- Keep a balance In your life.
- Use whatever techniques helped get you through past stressful periods
- Include activities that make you feel good.
- Include activities that keep your attention.
- Take advantage of your support systems.
- Research your condition if it helps.
- Take care of yourself. Talk to your doctor if you need help sleeping.
- Enlist the help of a higher power.
- Live In the moment.
- Ask that you be given test results as soon as possible
- Exercise.
- Listen to soothing music either under the guidance of a therapist or on your own
- Try to think positively. Recognize negative thoughts and try to change them.
- Don't make rash decisions or open the spending spigot irrationally.
- Watch for signs of depression.
- Keep In mind that symptoms and side effects such as pain, fatigue and nausea can be controlled.
How To Cope With Waiting For An Appointment Or Test Results
Schedule tests to get results soonest
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To schedule tests to get results sooneset::
- Schedule tests for early in the week so you don't have to wait over a weekend for results.
To schedule tests to get results sooneset::
Schedule tests for early in the week so you don't have to wait over a weekend for results.
- When scheduling a test, let your your doctor or other person who will conduct the test know that you are anxious about the results and that you would like to get them as soon as possible.
- Find out how long it takes for your doctor to receive the results. (It is unlikely that you will be sent the results directly). Set an appointment with your doctor for that day, either on the phone or in person.
- If you will get the news by e mail: Give the doctor your personal e mail address. It is better to use a personal address instead of a work address. Employers are entitled to read all e mails sent to your work account.
- If by phone:
- Tell the doctor which number to use.
- Is it okay to leave a message with another member of your household? If so, a message with the test results or just to call the doctor?
- Is it okay to leave a message other than "Please call Dr. XYZ"? You may not want to hear difficult news by voice mail, or have someone else get the message for you.
- Keep in mind that if you tell the doctor not to leave a message other than for you to call, the fact that no message was left does not indicate bad news.
- If you don't hear at the specified time, call your doctor's office to find out what is happening.
When scheduling a test, let your your doctor or other person who will conduct the test know that you are anxious about the results and that you would like to get them as soon as possible.
- Relaxation techniques help change your thoughts, relax the body, and boost your immune system by relieving immune suppressing stress.
- Consider such alternatives as:
- Deep breathing which can be done just about anywhere as needed. For more information, click here.
- Meditation.
- Meditation is easy to do. There's no magic formula.
- You can find a meditation primer by cliking here.
- Focus on muscle groups and relax one at a time. This is called Progressive Muscle Relaxation. To learn how to do it, click here.
- Visualization.
- Techniques for coping with stress
- Do any activity which takes your full attention and passes time without awareness.
- Find out how long it takes for your doctor to receive the results. (It is unlikely that you will be sent the results directly). Set an appointment with your doctor for that day, either on the phone or in person.
- If you will get the news by e mail: Give the doctor your personal e mail address. It is better to use a personal address instead of a work address. Employers are entitled to read all e mails sent to your work account.
- If by phone:
- Tell the doctor which number to use.
- Is it okay to leave a message with another member of your household? If so, a message with the test results or just to call the doctor?
- Is it okay to leave a message other than "Please call Dr. XYZ"? You may not want to hear difficult news by voice mail, or have someone else get the message for you.
- Keep in mind that if you tell the doctor not to leave a message other than for you to call, the fact that no message was left does not indicate bad news.
If you don't hear at the specified time, call your doctor's office to find out what is happening.
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