Content Overview 
- Summary
- Fund Raisers
- If You Are Going To Ask For A Gift
- Before You Ask For Money From A Friend, Think Through The Finances And Your Continuing Relationship
- If You Ask For A Friendly Loan
- If A Friend Loans You Money Through A Bank Loan
- If A Friend Loans You Money Directly As A Personal Loan
- After You Receive Money From A Friendly Loan
How To Borrow $ From Family And Friends
Fund Raisers
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Create a list of ideas for fund raisers. For example, setting up your own web site to which people can donate. You'll need a method of collecting money, such as Paypal ( ) To learn more, see Fund Raising.
If you have the energy, consider ideas such as a twist on the old "rent party" or a fund-raising raffle. To learn more, see How To Give A Fund Raising Party.
If part of your fund raiser is to ask people you don't know for money, do what you can to add legitimacy for your request. For instance, if you're raising money for a treatment, ask the facility in which the treatment will be given to set up a fund in your name to which people can donate.
NOTE: In 2017, people can give you a gift of up to $14,000 a year ($28,000 if they are a for married couple) without having to file a gift-tax return with the IRS or eating into their lifetime gift-tax exclusion. (The amount varies from year to year. For gift tax in a given year, see: