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Organizations That May Be Able To Help Make Life Easier
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Area Agency On Agency: These agencies were created as part of the Older Americans Act in the early 1970s to arrange services for senior citizens either directly or through contractors. While these agencies are meant to help older people rather than people living after a diagnosis, the resources they know about serve both groups of people or can refer you to agenices that do. (Of course, many people are both older and dealing with a health condition). To find your local Agency, contact Eldercare Locator, a free referral service administered by the National Association of Area Agencies On Aging., , Tel.: 800.677.1116.
Catholic Charities USA: Serves over 10,000,000 people of all religious and ethnic backgrounds. , Tel. in Virginia: 703.549.1390.
United Way of America: , Tel.: in Virginia: 703.836.7112.
Local resources such as:
- Civic organizations such as B'nai B'rith, Elks, Kiwanas, Rotary
- Community Chest organizations
- County department of social services
- Disease specific non-profit organizations
- Doctors and nurses
- Religious organizations - particularly ones to which you or your loved ones belong.
- Social workers at hospitals, nursing homes and hospices.
- Union clubs