Content Overview 
- Overview
- Advantages Of Exercise
- Risks Related To Exercise
- How to Exercise Smart
- How To Fit Exercise In To Your Daily Life
- What Exercises To Consider
- Tips To Help You Keep To An Exercise Regimen
- How To Keep To An Exercise Schedule When You Travel
- Free and Low Cost Exercise
- How To Locate And Choose A Personal Trainer
- Exercises That Can Be Done In Bed
- How To Monitor Exercise So It Doesn't Become Harmful
- Resources for Additional Information About Exercise
- Cancer And Exercise
- HIV/AIDS And Exercise
- Diabetes And Exercise
HIV/AIDS And Exercise
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AIDS health professionals emphasize a combination of moderate but regular aerobic exercise and weight-training as a basic fitness program. A regular cardiovascular workout has a direct impact on the immune system. The goal should be to maintain a steady level of exercise that doesn't tax the body.
AIDS experts often recommend swimming as the best exercise for someone who is HIV positive because it includes a combination workout. It strengthens the muscles and stimulates the cardiovascular system.
Be cautious when engaging in high-contact sports because of the potential of transmission of HIV through breaks in the skin or flowing cuts.
To learn more about HIV and exercise, see Fit Facts from The American Council On Exercise,
For information on HIV and yoga, see: