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Tips To Help You Keep To An Exercise Regimen

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Consider the following tips to help keep you on an exercise regimen:
  • Find an exercise or a mixture of exercises that you enjoy. Exercise does not have to be in a gym. Dancing, gardening, and hiking are exercises too. Try different exercises to find the one or ones that work for you.
  • Keep in mind that exercise does not have to be in one continuous session. A few brief bouts of exercise can be as beneficial as a longer one.
  • Set a schedule for your routine that anticipates your energy highs and lows, when you take medicines and special instructions that relate to your medicines (such as taking a drug on an empty stomach). 
  • Try to keep to your schedule just as you would any other appointment relating to your health. People who exercise in the morning can often avoid the inevitable distractions that come up during the course of a day.
  • Consider exercising with a partner, friend, or someone with your condition. You can help each other stay motivated.
  • Exercise in a place or places that are convenient to the way you live your life.
  • Keep track of your activity.        
    • One way is to use a measuring device if appropriate. For example:
      • A pedometer keeps track of your steps each day. A good pedometer should have a stride adjustment in it which increases the accuracy. Many smartphones offer reliable pedometer apps that are free or available for a small fee.
      • Activity measuring devices such as FitBit, available through offsite link or Nike's FuelBand, offsite link
    • Another way is to keep a log of what you do. A simple notebook will do. Or you can keep track online through such free sites as offsite link or offsite link
  • Set realistic goals. 
    • Setting a target for waht you want to achieve with your excerise plan can be incredibly motivating. After you hit a goal, move it higher. Self confidence will grow each time you hit a goal.
    • Reward yourself for achieving goals: a gift, an extra trip to the movies, a massage. Don't use food as a reward - unless it's healthy.
  • Be patient. Changes occur slowly.
  • If you travel, think ahead. (see the next section below.)
  • Do not get thrown by injuries or time lapses. They happen. Start again. Consider backing off to a lesser amount of exercise when you restart, then gradually building back up.
  • Consider getting a dog. Walking a dog several times a day, every day, can be an exercise program in and of itself.
  • If taking care of yourself doesn't motivate you to exercise, do it for the people you love.
  • Consider using an app. For example:
    • HABITICA. offsite link Users et goals such as exercising daily.  When you complete a task, you move up to a higher level. You lose points when you miss a goal.
    • PACT offsite link Users pay you an amount of money when you exercise, eat fruits and vegetables or log meals. If you fail, you pay a preset amount.
    • STICKK offsite link  Users donate to a cause if you do not meet a goal

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