Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)
Where Do I Find The Appropriate Forms For A DNR?
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If you are in or going to be in a health care facility or you are being cared for by a home health agency
The best source from which to obtain a DNR Directive is the healthcare facility or the home health agency that is providing your care. Each facility has a form that is appropriate for the state in which you are located.
- Execute a new DNR each time you enter a health care facility or change health care providers. Since DNR Directives all provide the same instructions, there is no conflict if you have more than one DNR Directive in your records.
- Use the form of the facility or provider. This will avoid the medical facility or agency having to take the time to decide whether your DNR meets the guidelines they set for a DNR directive either before or during an emergency.
If you are not in a health care facility
If you live in a state which permits a Non-hospital DNR, your doctor (or home health agency if you have one) will be able to provide the appropriate forms. You can also find them at , click on "What We Do", then "Your important documents" then "Advance Directive By State, or call Tel.: 800.247.7421
Information about DNR documents and how to get them
For information about the documents in your state and how to get them, see . Click on "Out-of-hospital-DNR Information"