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Disability Insurance: Claims 101

Why You Need For A Supportive Doctor To Help With A Disability Insurance Claim

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A supportive doctor(s) who is willing to take the time needed to help you keep and retain a disability income is necessary for a variety of reasons:

  • Few disability claims are approved strictly on the basis of lab results or other objective data. Your medical record and statements by your doctor are usually critical to approval of a claim. If a claim is initially denied, a doctor or doctors will be needed at each step of the appeal. The doctrors will be needed to provide information, and to rebut the payor's point of view.
  • Once your claim is approved, your records and a doctor statement are likely to be requested periodically as long as you continue to receive a disability income. If the payor wants to stop payment, a doctor's support will be necessary to rebut the payor's claims why you are no longer "disabled."
  • It is helpful if the doctor not only writes reports, but is willing to let you and/or a representative review them prior to submission, and then to rewrite as needed. A review makes sure that all the relevant facts are included and that those facts are stated in a manner most likely to get your claim approved.

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