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Credit Reports: What They Are, How To Get One, How To Fix It

What If The Creditor Or Credit Bureau Won't Fix An Error In My Credit Report?

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If you lose a dispute, and you have additional facts, you can resubmit the dispute with the additional facts. Without new information, the credit bureau will likely dismiss a resubmission as not having any serious value.

If you don't have additional facts, you can write the Bureau and request that it note that you continue to dispute the entry. Credit bureaus are required to accept a statement of up to 100 words which states that you dispute the entry and why. The credit bureau is also required to provide your statement to anyone who asks for a copy of your report.

If you need help preparing a statement, each of the credit bureaus will help you prepare a statement.


Following is a sample letter requesting a statement to be included in your credit report:


ABC Credit Bureau
13 ABC St.
AB, XY 10000

RE: {account number}

Dear People:

Your report lists a debt to Dr. Sam Smith in the amount of $325.00. Although I sent you supporting information to show that I do not owe this money, you continue to list it on my report.

Please add the following statement to my report and be sure that anyone who legally asks for a copy of my report gets a copy of the statement:

This account was paid for in cash on (date). The dentist who uses this collection agent gave me a cash receipt, which I lost. (Add supporting facts, if any, such as:) I have the receipt from the cash machine for money I took out in the morning of that day to pay Dr. Smith.

If you have any questions, please call me during the day at 555 555 5555.

Very truly yours,

Your Name

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