Complementary Treatments
Questions To Ask Your Insurer Before Starting A Complementary Treatment
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The following questions are from an article by Cathy Wong from
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- Does this care need to be pre-authorized or pre-approved?
- Do I need a referral from my primary care provider?
- What services, tests, or other costs will be covered?
- How many visits are covered and over what period of time (for example, 6-10 visits a year of acupuncture)?
- Is there a co-payment?
- Will the therapy be covered for my health condition?
- Will any additional costs be covered, such as lab tests, dietary supplements, equipment, or supplies?
- Will I need to see a practitioner in your network? If so, can you provide me with a list of practitioners in my area?
- If I use a practitioner who is not part of your network, do you provide any coverage? Are there any additional out-of-pocket costs?
- Are there any dollar or calendar limits to my coverage?
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