Content Overview 
- Summary
- Before Surgery
- After Surgery
- The Stoma
- The Ostomy Pouch
- Purchasing An Appliance (a pouch)
- Ostomy Supplies and Insurance
- Appliance Tips
- How To Care For An Ostomy And Stoma
- How To Eat With An Ostomy
- Food And Drink And Their Effect On The Digestive System
- How To Keep A Food Journal
- Ostomies and Clothing
- Sex And An Ostomy
- Swimming With An Ostomy
- Travel With An Ostomy
- Exercise With An Ostomy
- Ostomy And Work
- Clothing And Accessories
- Surgery To Reverse An Ostomy
Colorectal Cancer: Ostomy
Purchasing An Appliance (a pouch)
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Pouches are odor free and come in a variety of disposable and reusable types to fit your lifestyle.
Choose an appliance that fits your lifestyle, is leakproof, odorless, durable, lightweight, easy to use, comfortable, nonirritating to the skin and affordable. Ostomy nurses report that the best way to buy appliances is directly from a mail order source or local surgical supply house to assure reliable service.
The options for both a collection pouch and a position plate that surrounds the stoma are constantly expanding. For instance, there are:
- Pouches that hang sideways instead of down
- Belts for use when engaging in active sports such as tennis or jogging.
- Patches to protect the stoma while swimming.
- Covers and pouches for sex.
- Hypoallergenic products.
- One piece and two piece appliances.
It is worth testing various products to find which is/are best for you. In particular, test various skin barriers or seals that rest between your skin and the stoma attachment to be sure they are comfortable and protect the skin from bacteria, moisture and the irritants in adhesives.
If you are not comfortable speaking with your local pharmacist about ostomy products, you can order them online. For example, through the United Ostomy Associations Of America, Inc, . Information about manufacturers and suppliers is at :