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Children: Preserving the Ability to Have (Fertility)
Banking Eggs
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It is now possible for women to protect the ability to have a child. The most common method is to freeze eggs to become pregnant at a later time.
If there will be pelvic radiation: an alternative is to undergo a procedure known as an Ovarian Transposition. An Ovarian Transposition is a surgical procedure where one or both ovaries are moved out of the pelvis, so that they are out of the field of pelvic radiation. They are eventually reinserted. For more information, click here .
The remainder of this document focuses on freezing eggs.
Freezing Eggs
Egg freezing is still classified as experimental. National data on results is limited. However, an experienced clinic can provide data about their own experience.
Before proceeding, it is advisable to seek an expert in freezing eggs. At least ask about:
- How long the clinic has been in existence.
- The education and experience background of the principals.
- The clinic's pregnancy rates.
- The number of eggs needed to provide a reasonable chance of ultimately having a baby.
- The chances of a miscarriage (the miscarriage rate).
How The Egg Freezing Process Works
In general:
- Eggs are extracted from the ovaries.
- Eggs are then cooled with liquid nitrogen to 196 degrees Centigrade. The theory behind this temperature is that there is no metabolism or cellular activity so eggs can be preserved indefinitely.
- The eggs are thawed when pregnancy is desired. The eggs are then fertilized and returned to the uterus by means of standard in vitro fertilization (IVF).
- An egg can be fertilized now and the resulting embryo is frozen:
- Tissue can be removed from the ovaries and frozen to be used in place of an egg.
Cost Of Freezing Eggs/Insurance
$10,000 to $20,000. It is not likely that this cost will be covered by health insurance - but it is worth checking your policy "just in case".
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