How To Write A Resume (With A History Of A Health Condition)
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Resumes can be the key to getting your foot in the door -- and keeping it there. They are an opportunity to sell yourself. (For more information about a subject, please click on the link.)
- Organize your resume to your best advantage. Preferably, open with a bang.
- Make your resume easy to read and understand.
- Include a brief summary of your capabilities and accomplishments.
- Rewrite your resume for each employer to emphasize the specialty or special skills the employer is looking for. A rewrite can include changing style depending on the circumstances and desired impact.
- A resume does not have to be chronological. To cover a gap, you can mention years Instead of including months.
- Focus of content
- Focus on the last ten years.
- Include a focus toward the future and a career goal or goals.
- Feel free to use prose with respect to skill sets.
- Bullet points can help provide a lot of information without a lot of words that will waste a reader's time.
- Most larger employers use a computer search mechanism to initially review resumes. Write your resume to maximize chances of being picked out by the computer.
- Always proof read a resume before sending it. (Preferably also have some else review it for you before sending.)
Think of a cover letter as part of your resume. While applications are frequently processed by computer, someone reads resumes before deciding who to call. To learn how to write a strong cover letter, click here.
If you look healthy, consider creating an online video resume in addition to a written resume. However, do not let the online video replace a paper resume. (To learn how to create a video resume, click here.)
If you are asked about gaps in your resume, swivel. By "swivel," we mean to acknowledge what is being said, and then change the subject - in this case to the positive. Do not lie. On the other hand, you do not need to tell the full story. For instance: "I was dealing with a family issue that is resolved now, and I am thrilled to discuss how my management skills can build the team and grow your business." (For more tips about acing an interview, click here.)
Two groups that we know of have a free resume review service. (If you learn of additional groups, please let us know:
- Cancer and Careers has a free resume review service for people with cancer. One of their career coaches will provide individual feedback. For information about the service, click here
- AARP has a similar service for members. To access the AARP service, click here.
- Some people want to disclose their health history on their resume on the idea: "If they don't want a person working there who has a history of XXXXX, I don't want to work there." If you are one of those people, be sure to include mention that you are now healthy and able to perform all the necessary aspects of the job for which you are applying.
- For information about your legal rights with respect to a job interview, click here. For tips about how to ace an interview, click here. For benefits to focus on, click here.