Content Overview 
- Summary
- Contact The Credit Card Company Ahead Of Time If You Have To Miss A Payment
- Ask For A Waiver of Fees
- Ask For A Lower Rate Of Interest
- Pay Down The High Interest Rate Credit Cards First
- Transfer Balances To A New Account Or To An Account With A Lower Interest
- Consolidate Your Credit Card Debt Into Non-Credit Card Debt
How To Manage Credit Card Costs
Ask For A Waiver of Fees
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It's possible to get fees waived -- whether they are annual fees or fees for late payment.
Annual fees: There's nothing like the threat of closing the account to get a company to agree to waive annual fees. The more you charge to the account, the more likely the company will say yes.
Late payment fees: If you've been socked with fees for paying late, and your general history is that you pay on time, call the company and ask for a waiver of the fees.
If it's the first time, a waiver is generally granted just because of the call. If you get resistance, tell the company about your health condition and what happened that resulted in the late payment.
If the person with whom you speak doesn't grant the waiver, ask to speak with a supervisor.
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