How To Choose And Maximize Use Of An Insurance Broker
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Insurance brokers use their knowledge and experience to assess a client's risk profile and find appropriate policies from different insurers who are authorized to write insurance in the state in which you live. Brokers search for the most comprehensive cover at the most competitive price.
Brokers are free to you. They are paid by the insurance company in the form of a commission of the premium. While this may set up a conflict of interest, legally a broker is supposed to work in your interest only.
To choose an insurance broker that is best for you:
Step 1. Determine your needs.
Step 2. Decide what criteria are important to you.
Step 3: Talk with your friends, business colleagues, attorney and/or an accountant to get their recommendations.
Step 4. Meet with several licensed, experienced candidates.For information, see:
If you are looking for a broker to help obtain health insurance for you, see: How To Choose And Work With A Health Insurance Broker.
If you are questioning whether to use a broker at all, see: Should I Use A Broker Or Other Professional?