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Cemetery Sites
What To Consider When Purchasing A Cemetery Plot
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When purchasing a cemetery plot, consider:
- The type of cemetery. There are traditional religious and non-sectarian cemeteries to consider. In addition, a recent development is green graveyards. Green graveyards are set in a wooded area. Part of the idea is to protect green, natural space, with burial in a natural setting. Caskets are often biodegradable or no casket is used.
- The location of the cemetery.
- Is it an area in which you want to be?
- Is it convenient for the people who love you to visit?
- Does it satisfy you emotionally?
- Does it have the feeling you want?
- Does it have special meaning for you?
- Is there room for burial for additional people you care about?
- Does it meet the requirements of your religion?
- Is it well maintained?
- Does it allow the type of monument or memorial you desire? Plantings you want? Seasonal decorations?
- Are there restrictions on flowers or other remembrances on or around monuments or memorials?
- Do you have to purchase monuments from a particular company?
- If you plan to be buried in a mausoleum or columbarium, does the cemetery allow them?
- Does the cemetery require burial containers? What, if any, restrictions does the cemetery place on burial vaults purchased elsewhere?
- Costs
- How much does it cost to buy? Cemetery plots can be expensive, especially in metropolitan areas. Most, though not all, cemeteries also require you to purchase a grave liner, which will cost several hundred dollars.
- How much does it cost to open a grave for burial? Is there an additional charge for filling in the grave site?
- Is perpetual care of the cemetery plot to keep it neat included in the purchase price? If not, what is the separate fee for maintenance and grounds keeping? ' Is it less expensive per grave to purchase a family plot than individual plots? (It often is.).
- Are the visitation days and hours acceptable?
- Is there perpetual care of the grave site?
NOTE: You can save money by purchasing a plot from the resale market instead of directly from the cemetery. For instance, check or type "burial plot brokers" into your favorite search engine. If you want to buy a plot from someone other than the cemetery, take the following precautions:
- Make sure the cemetery allows resales
- Confirm with the cemetery that the seller is the legal owner of the plot.
- Check to find out what the prices does, and does not include. For instance, opening the grave, closing the grave, headstone, future care of the site.
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