Post Treatment 0 - 6 Months Stages 0,I
While cancer treatment has officially ended, the after effects will likely continue at least during this recovery period. This section of our guide provides information to help you thrive in the parts of your life affected by your treatment.
To maximize the benefit of our information to you, we suggest the following three steps:
- Step 1. Even if you have read the parts of our guide concerning Newly Diagnosed, we suggest that you review “The Basics” because they are the foundation for all of our discussions.
- Step 2. Read about managing your medical care. Our medical care article describes how to start on a track to make the future better. Part of medical care is to start living a healthier lifestyle such as a cancer prevention lifestyle which includes a focus on nutrition and exercise. Food is particularly important to the incidence of colorectal cancer.
- Step 3. At least look at the summaries of each of the following articles to see how they apply to your life. Press the back button on your browser to return to this article and to move on to the next summary. You can return to each subject if and as it works for you. Alternatively, you can sign in and then bookmark this page.
While information can help you feel in control, too much can also be overwhelming. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, take a break and return when you’re ready to learn more. Or ask someone else to review a particular subject for you. Keep in mind that family and friends want to help even after treatment ends.
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