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How To Save Money On Dental Care, Eyeglasses & Hearing Aids
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The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) covers eye examinations and audiology tests and writes eyeglass and hearing aid prescriptions for all its eligible patients. In many cases the VA also covers eyeglasses and hearing aids---even for some non-service-connected Priority 5 and 7 patients (generally, veterans honorably, or generally, discharged after at least two years' service with incomes under about $35,000).
The little-known Veterans' Health Administration Directive 2002-039 of July 5, 2002 [paragraph 4.a.(1)] authorizes eyeglasses and hearing aids for:
- People getting service-connected compensation for any reason or at any percentage.
- Former prisoners of war.
- People getting Housebound or Aid and Attendance increments to needs-based disability Pensions.
- People needing eyeglasses or hearing aids due to any other (even non-service-connected) medical cause
- People with any other functional or cognitive impairment as shown by Activities of Daily Living (ADL) functional deficiency(ies) who need eyeglasses or hearing aids to participate in their own care.
Replacements are allowed in cases of loss and breakage and for new or changed prescriptions.
Hearing aids, without a prescription change or loss, must last 4 years. Issuance of spares is determined by the VA audiiologist or eye care specialist.
The VA ordinarily offers comprehensive dental services only to 100% disabled, service-connected veterans and those held as prisoners of war over 90 days. Other, non-service-connected veterans may apply to the VA no later than 3 to 6 months after discharge to get dental treatment that wasn't completed while on active duty. For qualified cases, the VA may then pre-authorize some treatment with approved private dentists.
VA health centers are listed at .