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As a general matter, home cooked meals are cheaper than eating out.
If you don't have the energy or time to cook, perhaps a family member or group of friends can help out. One tip is to cook a large batch of food, divide it into individual meal sizes, and freeze the containers.
One study showed that a family of 4 which ate at home instead of out saved $800 a year just on sodas. While that may be an extreme, the savings can be substantial.
Depending on your physical condition, you might also be able to get meals from your local Meals-on-Wheels or other low-cost or free meal delivery service. For information about food delivery in your area, contact your local disease specific non-profit organization or your social worker.)
To use up food that you already have, plug the ingredients into a website such as
NOTE: If you are in treatment or housebound, there may be free meals delivered to your door. Speak with a social worker at your local hospital or a local disease specific support organization to learn what is available in your area.