Hospitals 101
What To Do After Discharge From A Hospital
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Take recovery seriously. Too many people end up back in the hospital because of pushing themselves beyond what is safe or for not paying attention when problems start.
Follow your doctor's discharge instructions.
Eat nourishing foods (they are not any more expensive than unhealthy foods).
Be active.
- Exercise if it is permitted.
- If there has been no discussion about rehabilitation ("rehab"), ask your doctor about rehabilitation. If you have health insurance, it is likely covered.
If problems start, report them to your doctor right away. A small infection that can easily be treated can become a major problem if untreated.
Ask for help if you need it. Family and friends are the first line of help. If more help is needed, speak with your doctor or his or her staff about getting additional help. (If you have insurance, help is likely covered.) To learn about home health care, click here.
Last, but not least, if you haven't reviewed your hospital bill, once you are feeling better but are still convalescing is a good time to do it - even if you are covered by health insurance. To learn more, click here. If you do not have insurance, or are under insured, a hospital bill can be negotiated. To learn more, click here.