Financial Snapshot: Gathering The Information You Need To Create
Information About The Financial Aspects Of Your Health
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Your physical health rather than your age, marital status or dependents becomes an important part of your planning foundation. Two facts are important to learn: life expectancy on a statistical basis and anticipated costs related to your health condition.
Keep in mind that your longevity is the number of years you would live if you were a statistic instead of the unique person you are. By definition, statistics only tell what happens to a large group of people at a similar point with a similar condition. If you mistakenly focus on it as a reality, according to the doctors who study the mind/body connection, it may become a self fulfilling prophecy. If research into this area is a problem for you, ask a family member or friend to do it for you. To learn more about life expectancy, click here.
The second bit of information you will need is the "average" cost for treating a condition like yours as well as an average time line for when money is spent. For example, with cancer, the cost curve is generally like a barbell: usually costs are heavy just after diagnosis, then somewhat low until the end of life, when they tend to increase again. With HIV/AIDS, there is a high annual expense for drugs which may be followed by heavy medical and hospital expenses toward the end of life. Alzheimer's is characterized by a lot of expense for custodial care. Diabetes has a wedge-shaped pattern: the direct medical expenses keep increasing until the end stage.
Your health care provider should be able to give you an idea of determine your statistical life expectancy and possibly the average cost of treatment information. If not, contact your national disease specific nonprofit organization.
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Life Expectancy