Content Overview 
- Overview
- Free Samples From A Doctor Or Other Health Care Provider
- Bulk Purchases Of Drugs You Take For An Extended Period Of Time
- Drug Expiration Dates
- Test Supplies
- How To Shop For The Lowest Drug Price
- Generic (or Sister) Versions Of A Drug
- Lifestyle or Therapeutic Substitutions
- Older Alternatives For A Drug Or Over-The Counter Versions
- Government Programs That Provide Drugs
- Patient Assistance Programs (Manufacturer Free Or Low Cost Drugs)
- Pill Splitting
- Pharmacy Discount Programs
- State Or County Purchasing Groups To Help Residents Save Money
- Drug Discount Cards and Clubs
- Online and Mail Order Sources Of Drugs
- Local Pharmacies Including Hospitals
- Military Benefits
- Clinical Trials
- Outside Of The United States
Drugs: How To Save Money When Buying Or Using
Test Supplies
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If a new prescription is for an expensive drug, purchase the minimum amount that will get you through the initial period to determine whether there will be side effects from the beginning, and whether the drug will work for you - for example, for a few days or a week. You are only charged for the few pills instead of the cost of the entire prescription. You can pick-up the remainder of the prescription at a later date.
Ask your health care provider or pharmacist how long it will be before you'll know if the drug is working, and before side effects usually show up. It could be just a few days or one week or longer.
NOTE: If you purchase the full amount prescribed and the drug doesn't work, or if there are unreasonable side effects, most states and pharmacies prohibit returning unused prescription drugs.