Content Overview 
- Summary
- Myths About Colorectal Cancer And Sex
- How Colorectal Cancer Can Affect Sexuality And Sex Drive
- How Surgery For Colorectal Cancer May Affect Sex And Sexuality
- How Radiation For Colorectal Cancer May Affect Sex And Sexuality
- How Chemotherapy For Colorectal Cancer May Affect Sex And Sexuality
- How Targeted Therapies For Colorectal Cancer May Affect Sex And Sexuality
- Pain And Sex
- Fatigue And Sex
- Emotional Issues And Sex
- I Do Not Feel Attractive Because Of Colorectal Cancer Or Treatment
- Sex, Sexuality And An Ostomy
- Tips For Having Sex During And After Treatment
- Tips For Involving A Partner In Sexual Concerns
Colorectal Cancer: Sex, Sexuality and Intimacy
I Do Not Feel Attractive Because Of Colorectal Cancer Or Treatment
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Not feeling attractive is a very individual thing. Some suggestions to consider to help you feel better are:
- There is no magic wand to make things better. It takes work to see yourself as an attractive sexual being again – often a lot of work.
- Focus on the things that have not changed (as compared to the thought that everything about you has changed).
- Particularly focus on the things that you like about yourself.
- Look for at least three things that you like about yourself. For example, the way your eyes light up when you see children.
- Wear clothing that is comfortable and helps you feel confident.
- If you have an ostomy, see: If You Have An Ostomy
- Consider speaking with a social worker or mental health counselor who can help you work through negative thoughts. It is particularly helpful if the person is oncology certified.
- Good nutrition and exercise can make you feel better about yourself. This can be harder during treatment, but is worth pursuing. Be sure to get input input from your oncologist before making significant changes.
- Consider joining a support or self help group. In addition to support, you are likely to gain valuable information. For information about support groups, click here. For information about self help groups, click here.
- Be patient. As you feel better, you will adjust and things will get better. This can take time so patience is required.
- The American Cancer Society has a program called LOOK GOOD, FEEL BETTER that includes local classes as well as a book. Historically the program has only been for women, but it has been expanded to include men in some areas of the country. In those areas where there are no classes for men, some of the people who teach this information schedule one-on-one conferences. To learn more, go to
or call: 800.ACS.2345.
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