Content Overview 
- Summary
- Myths About Colorectal Cancer And Sex
- How Colorectal Cancer Can Affect Sexuality And Sex Drive
- How Surgery For Colorectal Cancer May Affect Sex And Sexuality
- How Radiation For Colorectal Cancer May Affect Sex And Sexuality
- How Chemotherapy For Colorectal Cancer May Affect Sex And Sexuality
- How Targeted Therapies For Colorectal Cancer May Affect Sex And Sexuality
- Pain And Sex
- Fatigue And Sex
- Emotional Issues And Sex
- I Do Not Feel Attractive Because Of Colorectal Cancer Or Treatment
- Sex, Sexuality And An Ostomy
- Tips For Having Sex During And After Treatment
- Tips For Involving A Partner In Sexual Concerns
Colorectal Cancer: Sex, Sexuality and Intimacy
How Colorectal Cancer Can Affect Sexuality And Sex Drive
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The emotions and physical chang es that come with a diagnosis or living with a debilitating or chronic health condition can have an impact on sexuality and sex drive ("libido"). For instance:
- Depression or Anxiety
- Both men and women who are diagnosed with cancer are 15 or 20 percent more likely to have depression or anxiety.
- Depression and anxiety can affect mood, your connection with your self, your connection with your partner and children, and with your co-workers.
- For information about how to cope with depression, click here. For information about coping with anxiety, click here.
- Fear of Recurrence
- An ongoing fear of recurrence can cause both patients and their partners to feel less secure which in turn can affect sex drive.
- For tips about dealing with fear of recurrence, click here.
- Negative feelings about self
- Because of physical changes such as hair loss, scars, weight gain or loss or an ostomy, patients can have decreased self-esteem which can lower sex drive. If a lack of self esteem affects your life, consider speaking with a mental health professional.
- For the different types of mental health professional, click here. For practical tips about choosing one, click here.
- Role changes
- If a bread winner is diagnosed and has to stay home or needs physical help, the partner has more to do - and may even have to return to work. The partner is also likely to change from being an equal to being a caregiver. These changes can cause conflict and can lower self esteem. Low self esteem can lower sex drive.
- Reproductive concerns
- Chemotherapy and other treatments can affect fertility. In turn, this can have an emotional impact as well as the physical result of no longer being able to have children.
- For information about preserving the ability to have children, click here.
- If fertility has already been affected, consider adoption. Your health history as such does ot prevent adopting. For information, click here.
- Treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.
- To learn about each treatment for colorectal cancer and how it can affect sex and sexuality, see the other sections of this document.
- An ostomy can cause loss of interset in sexuality and sex.
- Hair loss can cause loss of interest in sexuality and sex. To learn how to cope with hair loss, click here.
- Weight gain or loss can affect interest in sexuality and sex. For coping techniques, click here.
- Medications to treat the disease or emotional stress.
- For example, anti-anxiety drugs or anti-depressants.
- If the side effects of a particular drug interfere with your life, let your doctor know. Perhaps there is an alternative drug that will not have a similar efffect.
- For information from purchasing to safe handling, storage and disposal of medicaitons, click here.
NOTE: Use of alcohol and smoking can cause erection difficulties and lack of interest in sex.
To Learn More
More Information
Tips To Help Feel In Control Of Your Emotions
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