Colorectal Cancer: Advanced
The Basics
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Do your best to keep a realistically optimistic attitude. We refer to this as a “positive attitude.”
- There’s a reason for the adage “the glass is always half full and half empty.” Try to focus on the half full side. At the same time, keep in mind that we are all human. Do not become a slave to being positive or wallow in guilt for those times when you aren’t. (For tips about keeping positive, click here.)
- Keep in mind that even a 1% chance of long term survival means that one in one hundred people will survive. With appropriate treatment, there is no reason to keep you from being the person who survives.
Focus on what you can control. Prepare the best you can for what may come your way. For example:
- Financial Crunch: How To Deal With A
- Get appropriate health and other insurance. To learn how, click here
You are not your disease. Do not let cancer define who you are. (For more, click, here)
When you have contact with an employer, governmental agency or insurer:
- While the process may be frustrating to deal with, try to be courteous and friendly. Only use anger consciously and sparingly. See:
- Make notes so you have a record of what was said and agreed to
- Keep copies in easily available files. If needed, see: How To Get Organized
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