Content Overview 
- Summary
- Coping Tips For Daily Life During Chemotherapy
- Side Effects: What To Expect And What To Do About Them
- Pregnancy During Chemotherapy
- Family, Friends And Chemotherapy
- Caregivers And Chemotherapy
- If Your Platelet Count Is Low: Steps To Reduce Risk Of Problems During Chemotherapy
- How To Lower Your Risk Of Infection During Chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy And Nutrition
- Symptoms Of Infection To Watch For During Chemotherapy
- Tips To Make The Process Of Getting Chemotherapy Easier
- Chemotherapy And Vitamins
- Daily And Work Life
- Safety Precautions To Anticipate Your Healthcare Providers Will Take During Chemotherapy
- Weight Loss Or Gain During Chemotherapy
- Exercise During Chemotherapy Treatment
- Before And During The Actual Infusion
Chemotherapy: What To Do While In Treatment
Before And During The Actual Infusion
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Before You Start
- Consider bringing a friend for at least the first few sessions. It will help relieve the anxiety (though there is no pain and the process is not as difficult as you may think).
- Take things to keep yourself occupied. Consider books, knitting, video games, or a lap top you can work on. Most infusion centers have free wi-fi available.
- Wear warm clothes or bring something that will warm you such as a small blanket.
- Take protein snacks with you. If your time at the infusion center could go through meal time, take food for the meal "just in case."
At The Infusion Center Where You Receive Chemotherapy
- The drug may feel cold as it enters the vein. This feeling rarely lasts more than a few seconds.
- If you start to feel queasy during the treatment, mention it at once. It can likely be relieved by infusing the drug more slowly.
- Nausea can be controlled by over the counter remedies such as Maalox, Pepcid, Nexium or Prevacid.
- Let the doctor or nurse know right away if you develop sudden or severe itching, if your skin breaks out in a rash or hives, or if you are wheezing or have any other trouble breathing.These symptoms may mean you are having an allergic reaction that needs immediate attention. Also let them know if you feel pain, burning, coolness or anything unusual while you are getting chemotherapy.
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