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Chemotherapy 101: An Overview

Chemotherapy Myths

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Chemotherapy myths and the reality include the following:

You are alone.

You are not alone. In fact, when you start looking around, you will find not only friends and family are there, but also people in a similar situation who want to share their experiences - and hear about yours. You can find supportive people in group settings (support or self-help groups) and one-on-one with other people going through what you are. In cancer parlance, they are known as Cancer Buddies. For information, click on the appropriate link: Support Groups (in person, telephone and online), Self Help Groups, Cancer Buddies

You expect that you will experience chemotherapy the same way as somone did in the past, or other people do these days.

  • Medical science has come a long way to reducing side effects - and dealing with those that do occur.
  • Reactions to chemotherapy are like snow flakes. Each person's reaction is unique to the person. 

Expecting that people close to you will remain close and people distant will remain distant.

  • Dynamics among people often change in unexpected ways. You are likely to be surprised at the people who do show up, and those who don't. 
  • Keep in mind that friends and family are part of your team. Who you want to be on the team is up to you. Just because a person shows up, doesn't mean you have to accept him or her as part of your team. To learn more, click here. 

Life will be (better)(worse)

Cancer is a journey of the unknown. Do your best to keep a positive attitude. A positive attitude does not mean you have to be a pollyanna. To learn how, click here.


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