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What Happens If You Die Without A Will ("Intestate")
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If you die without a Will, you are said to die "intestate."
If you die intestate, your assets will be divided as described by the law of the state in which you live. Instead of your deciding what happens to your assets, the state decides what happens and who is in charge of making that happen. In effect, the state provides a will for you.
What are the odds that your assets will pass the way you want - and with the person you would choose to handle your personal affairs?
If you want to learn how your estate would be divided if you die without a Will, check The site includes an "Intestacy Calculator" which tells you what happens if you die without a will. All you have to do it pick your state, type in the value of your estate, and answer a series of questions. Use of the calculator is free. (Be aware that while the calcaluator is free, the site encourages you to write a Will using their forms for a fee. Before you take advantage of this resource, read the next section).
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What It Means To Die Without A Will: Intestate