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Drugs And Treatments

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When your doctor suggests a new drug or treatment, there are a series of questions to ask to help you decide whether to exercise your right to accept or reject the drug or treatment.

There are also specific questions to ask before surgery.

While the web is an excellent place to find medical information, if you need help finding the needle in the haystack you want, learn how to find the medical information on the web -- or who to hire to do it for you. There are also services that will research your condition and available treatments and provide you with a comprehensive report.

If you're not comfortable with the news, or a doctor's recommendation, you may want to seek a second opinion. Second opinions are generally paid for by insurance.

If you can't find an approved drug to satisfy your needs, perhaps you can obtain a drug that is being tested or not yet approved by the FDA.

Once you've agreed to a course of action, take your medications appropriately, using assistance if necessary to keep you on track.

Think of your pharmacist as a member of your medical team and choose one that works for you.

Saving money on your drugs is not the only factor to consider in choosing where to purchase your drugs.

If you want to consider taking an herbal or other treatment that is not considered part of Western medicine, think of those remedies as complementary, rather than alternative.

Choose over-the-counter drugs and complementary medicines with the same care as prescription drugs. They are not risk free. In fact, some can be harmful.

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