Should I Change Jobs Or Even Careers?
When it comes to thinking about changing jobs or careers, the one thing the experts agree about is quite simple: don't make a change on a whim. Think it through.
Employment experts suggest that you consider:
- The following ideas and questions. Some are obvious. Some are perhaps not so obvious, Add your own factors to think about.
- Writing down what you see as the advantages and disadvantages of making a move.
Look at your answers and the list in a few days, and a few days after that.
- What do you like (or even love) about your current job?
- Are you using your most productive talents?
- What don't you like about your current position?
- Can it be changed with your current employer?
- Would you think about taking a new job even if you only received the same salary?
- What affect will a change have on your benefits -- particularly health insurance?
- Does the new job have better benefits? If so, how long will it be before they start?
- Would you have to change doctors? Hospitals?
- For more information, see: Effect on Benefits Of Changing Jobs
- What affect will a change have on your real earnings?
- Is your current job secure, or could you lose it soon either because of your lack of performance or because the company or industry are in decline?
- Do the current employer's values agree or clash with your own?
- What do you think of the people around you?
- Have they been supportive since your diagnosis?
- Is there stress from the job which is hurting your health?
- Is your job an emotional roller coaster?
- Would a new job be less stressful?
- Can you deal with the additional stress of changing jobs at this point in your life? Would it be better to wait a while?
- For tips about dealing with stress, click here.
- Are you able to take the time you need because of your health condition?
- Are there other companies that would be more friendly to people with your health condition?
- Are you learning new things?
- Are you doing your best in your current job, or just marking time?
- Are you considering making a change because other people are urging you to or is this question your own?
- Is it time to consider becoming self employed or starting your own business?
- Consider talking with a mentor who can give you an idea about what a new job or career would be like. For intance, a web site, PivotPlanet,
pairs people ionterested in switching careers wtih mentors for a fee.
Consider doing a few job interviews to see how you feel. It will help you compare your current job to what's out there for you. (To learn how to ace a job interview, click here.)
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