Self Employed: Handling Your Workload When Not Feeling Well
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As a prudent person, it is advisable to consider now how to handle your workload on those days you do not feel well, or have to undergo treatment, or even find yourself unable to work temporarily or long term. It's possible that you will have periods that alternate between full functioning, limited functioning and possibly a need for bed-rest or hospitalization.
If you will not be able to handle your workload yourself, this may be the time to bring in help, make an arrangement with a colleague, sell the business, and/or go to work for someone else such as a large corporation or the government where you can get health insurance and other benefits.
If you do bring in a colleague or other help, turn it into a positive by letting your clients/customers know about the continued success of your business.
If you may be unable to handle your current work load, much less increased work, review your marketing efforts. Efforts such as taking people to dinner, or showing up at local benefits, or advertising in the local paper, may have to continue to keep you in the game. But are you spending your dollars and time wisely to continue other marketing efforts? If not, the dollars could go into a protected retirement plan for use when you need them. Of course, if you have backup, there may be no reason to change your marketing.
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Self Employed: Disclosing Your Health Condition