Post Treatment For Breast Cancer 0 - 6 Months: Self Employed
Take it easy on yourself at work. This may be the time to take the vacation you haven't taken lately.
You and other people are likely to expect that now that treatment is over, you will be back to your former self, including mental alertness and energy. In fact, it may take a while for both to return. Also, depression after the end of treatment is common and may also slow you down if it occurs.
If you haven't before, start to think about how to continue your business if you become unable to continue to work or even if you die. A planning day with your advisors may be helpful to consider business continuation and other subjects to think about triggered by your diagnosis.
- Work: Self Employed
- Self Employed: Handling Your Workload When Not Feeling Well
- Self Employed: Disaster Planning
- Self Employed: Disclosing Your Health Condition
- Self Employed: Estate Planning: What Happens To Your Business If You Die?
- Self Employed: Health Insurance For People Who Are
- Self Employed: Life Insurance
- Self Employed: Preparation In Case of Disability
- Self Employed: Finances
- Self Employed: Selling The Business
- Tax Deduction For Insurance Premiums For People Who Are Self Employed
- Disability Income Coverage For The Self-Employed Or Small Business Owner
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