Newly Diagnosed With Breast Cancer Stages 3 - 4
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As a general matter, advanced breast cancer is treatable even though it is not curable. More and more women are living longer and longer after a diagnosis. In fact, for many women, breast cancer is like a chronic condition such as diabetes.
When the early confusion that usually accompanies a diagnosis starts to clear, you will find your world has shifted into a new normal. Just about every aspect of your life will be affected. We help you learn what you need to know to survive and even thrive after a breast cancer diagnosis.
Our discussion is divided into eight categories: Day To Day Living, Emotional Well Being, Finances, Government Benefits, Insurance, Medical Care, Planning Ahead, and Work Issues. We recommend that you skim the content in each category to get an overview, then return to each subject as it works for you. Each subject starts with a summary.
Underlying all discussions is "The Basics" - which is where we suggest you start. Since so much emotion comes with the word "advanced" or "metastasis" in addition the words "breast cancer," consider reading the tips in "Emotional Well Being" in addition to any other subjects you may be interested in at the moment.
- Information can help you feel in control. On the other hand, getting ahead of your self can be overwhelming. For instance, there is no need to read about being "in treatment" or "post treatment" now.
- If information is overwhelming for you, take breaks as needed. Alternatively, ask someone close to you to read the information and tell you what you need to know as you need to know it.
- You can personalize the information to your diagnosis, economic and social situation by getting a Personal Survival Guide.
- If your diagnosis is of a condition which is so advanced that you may be facing end of life issues, read Nearing End of Life.
For information, see:
- The Basics
- Finances
- Managing Your Medical Care
- Emotional Well Being
- Insurance
- Government Benefits
- Work Issues
- Planning Ahead
- Day To Day Living