Health Savings Account: Rules For Married People
There are special rules for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) for married people.
The rules for married people apply only if both spouses are eligible individuals.
The rules are:
- The maximum family deductible is divided equally between the spouses unless they agree to divide things differently.
- If either spouse has family coverage, both spouses are treated as having family coverage.
- If each spouse has family coverage under a separate plan, both are treated as having family coverage under the plan with the lower annual deductible.
- A High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with family coverage may have deductibles for both the family as a whole (the umbrella deductible) and for individual family members (the embedded deductible). In this situation your limit on contributions is the least of the following amounts.
The maximum annual contribution limit for family coverage ($6,150 for 2010).
The umbrella deductible.
- The embedded deductible multiplied by the number of family members covered by the plan.
A plan will not qualify as an HDHP if either the umbrella deductible or the embedded deductible is less than the minimum annual deductible ($2,400 for 2010) for family coverage. If there is no umbrella deductible, the deductible for each family member multiplied by the number of family members cannot exceed the maximum annual deductible and other out-of-pocket expenses for family coverage.
- If either of you have an Archer MSA: You must reduce the limit on contributions, before taking into account any additional contributions, by the amount contributed to both spouses' Archer MSAs. After that reduction, the contribution limit is split equally between the spouses unless you agree on a different division.
- If both spouses are 55 or older and are not enrolled in Medicare: Each spouse's contribution limit is increased by the additional contribution. If both spouses meet the age requirement, the total contributions under family coverage cannot be more in 2010 than $7,850.
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