Affidavits And Statements From Friends, Family And Co-Workers (What To Include)
Statements from friends, family and co-workers about your health condition and its impact on your activities of daily living or your work are strong evidence to help qualify you for Disability benefits. They are optional and not required to prove your claim. However, it is preferable to obtain such statements where possible. They supplement, rather than replace, actual medical reports from your health care provider(s).
A statement or letter is a narrative from friends, family or co-workers. An affidavit is a statement (like a letter) sworn to in front of a Notary Public.
Affidavits and statements or letters should be from people who have observed you on a regular basis both before and after your diagnosis.
The key isn't the number of statements or affidavits. Rather, the keys are:
- How well they prove your inability to work because of your health condition.
- How likely they are to be believed by Social Security and, if it comes to it, by a judge.
Affidavits and statements should include:
- The person's observations of both:
- The symptoms you have been experiencing, and
- How they affect your daily activities and/or work.
- A statement that you cannot work in any occupation as a result of your physical and/or mental condition.
The statement or affidavit:
- Does not have to be in any particular form, but preferably should be on regular paper (8 l/2 x 11 inches.)
- Can be typed, printed on a computer, or handwritten -- so long as the document is legible.
- Should be limited to one page single spaced, or two at the most.
- Must be signed by the person.
- Affidavits should say "Affidavit" at the top, and must be notarized.
One of the most helpful letters could come from your supervisor or employer who has observed, and perhaps even written up, the decline in your performance at work due to your health condition. See Sample Letter From A Co-Worker.
For a sample letter from a friend, relative or housemate, see Sample Letter From A Housemate.