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Information about all aspects of finances affected by a serious health condition. Includes income sources such as work, investments, and private and government disability programs, and expenses such as medical bills, and how to deal with financial problems.
Information about all aspects of health care from choosing a doctor and treatment, staying safe in a hospital, to end of life care. Includes how to obtain, choose and maximize health insurance policies.
Answers to your practical questions such as how to travel safely despite your health condition, how to avoid getting infected by a pet, and what to say or not say to an insurance company.

Health Care: How To Compare Prices

Step 2. Look online for costs in your geographical area.

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Websites from different types of organizations provide health care cost information. All are generally available to all users except sites provided by insurance companies. The insurance company sites generally require that you be insured by that company and that you have a password. (Consider asking family members or friends who are insured to check their insurance company web sites for you). The types of sites currently available are:
When checking prices on web sites:
  • Check to see what approach the site takes to pricing. For example, some sites provide the list price -- the price the provider would like to get - but seldom does. Others list the price the Medicare pays. Sites from health insurance companies may list the price they pay. 
  • Check to find out what is and is not included. It may not be the same. For instance, for surgery, the price may not include the cost of the anesthesiologist (the person who monitors your vital signs and administers anesthesia).

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