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Information about all aspects of finances affected by a serious health condition. Includes income sources such as work, investments, and private and government disability programs, and expenses such as medical bills, and how to deal with financial problems.
Information about all aspects of health care from choosing a doctor and treatment, staying safe in a hospital, to end of life care. Includes how to obtain, choose and maximize health insurance policies.
Answers to your practical questions such as how to travel safely despite your health condition, how to avoid getting infected by a pet, and what to say or not say to an insurance company.

How To Deal With The Fear Of Recurrence

Prepare Financially. Get Health Insurance If You Don't Have it.

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Do what you can to get your financial affairs in order so you can cope most effectively if your cancer does recur or in case something else happens. Tjo learn about financial planning, click here.  Include in your financial plans an Emergency+Fund.

Do what you can to increase income and save more money. If that means changing jobs, your health history does not prevent you from changing. (For information about seeking work after a diagnosis, click here. For tips about increasing income, click here.)

Look at your investments to see if :

  • You can start selling difficult to sell investments.
  • You can increase the value of your investments while at the same time protecting the downside. 
  • If you have a shortened life expectancy, investments should be more conservative than for an average person of your age.

Look at your expenses to see what you can decrease or eliminate entirely.

If finances are not your strength, consider speaking with a financial planner - particularly one who has experience with people who have a history of cancer or other life changing condition.

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