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A Healing Environment

In The Hospital, Nursing Home Or Assisted Living Facility

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Insist on a room with daylight. Daylight has been shown to be healing in such settings.

Add as much healing environment to the room as you can. For instance:

  • Personalize the space with photographs and inexpensive art work. 
  • Add objects that remind you of people you love, healing environments or happy moments.
  • Tone down institutional noise by bringing in a white noise machine, or download white noise from a computer. If you do not need immediate care, ask for a room away from the noisy nurses' station.
  • Add healing aromas to the extent you are permitted. For instance, via incense, or scented candles, or a few drops of aromatic oil on a lighted bulb.
Monitor your visitors. If visitors make you feel better, encourage visits. If they don't, discourage visits or ask that the institution impose a no-visitors policy (with exceptions for the few people you want to see).

If the telephone is disturbing, turn it off, or add an inexpensive answering machine you can monitor.

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