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Information about all aspects of finances affected by a serious health condition. Includes income sources such as work, investments, and private and government disability programs, and expenses such as medical bills, and how to deal with financial problems.
Information about all aspects of health care from choosing a doctor and treatment, staying safe in a hospital, to end of life care. Includes how to obtain, choose and maximize health insurance policies.
Answers to your practical questions such as how to travel safely despite your health condition, how to avoid getting infected by a pet, and what to say or not say to an insurance company.



NOTE: IF YOU READ OUR INFORMATION ABOUT POST TREATMENT 0 – 6 MONTHS, you already read much of the following information. We still suggest reading this document because you are likely to learn something that will be useful to you now that you may not have paid attention to before.

While you were lucky to find and eliminate colorectal cancer early, you have a high risk of having it returning in the future in the colon or in another organ (recurrence). Most recurrences occur within the first 2 years after the end of treatment. Even after the 2 year period, you are still at an increased risk of recurrence or another cancer appearing. While a recurrence or new cancer are treatable, it is best to avoid them if possible. Use your experience as a spur to do your best to help prevent this happening. It gets easier as time goes on.

  • Review your colorectal cancer follow-up plan. If you didn’t get a plan, it is never too late to ask your cancer doctor for one or to get one from a nearby Survivor clinic at an NCI certified cancer center offsite link.  Your insurance is likely to cover these services. A follow-up plan should include a schedule of future medical appointments and tests, as well as symptoms to watch for.
  • If you haven’t already, talk with your doctor about whether you have a gene that makes you a likely candidate for colorectal cancer. If you have the gene, inform your brothers and sisters, and ask about having your children tested.  Existing sites help educate people about the risks involved, and what to do about them. For a list, click here. offsite link 
    • Read the plan carefully to be sure you understand what it says. Ask your doctor or his/her nurse about any parts of the plan that are not clear to you.
    • Give a copy of the follow-up plan to your primary care doctor.
    • Report noted changes in your health to both your oncologist and primary care physician.
    • Keep all appointments noted in the follow-up plan even if you feel great with no symptoms or you fear a recurrence.  There is a reason for each appointment.  If there is a recurrence, the sooner it is caught, the better.
    • Keep in mind how much you will have to pay. For instance, check your health insurance to find out how much of each follow-up visit is covered and how much you will have to pay. If you don’t have health insurance, and money is difficult, perhaps your doctor will negotiate his or her fee.
  • With respect to drugs:
    • Comply with drug regimens. Don’t take a drug holiday without talking with your doctor first.
    • Ask whether you should be taking supplements. If so, what supplements, in what quantity, and which brand does your doctor recommend?
  • Take care of your mouth.  (To learn how, click here.) Infections in the mouth can spread. Infections in the mouth can easily spread throughout the body. 
  • Think about your relationship with your doctor:  If your relationship with a doctor is not ideal, try to fix it. You will likely be dealing with your doctor for a long time.  If the relationship becomes difficult for you, consider looking for another doctor. To find out how to deal with difficulties, and how to switch doctors, click here and here respectively. 
  • Drink at least eight glasses of pure water a day. (To learn about water, click here.)  Water helps waste go through your system.
  • Do what you can to help beat cancer. For instance, adopt a cancer prevention lifestyle.Start shifting your food intake to a healthy, cancer prevention, diet.  For instance:
    • Increase the amount and variety of fruits and vegetables you eat each day.
    • Eat whole grain foods instead of white flour and sugars.
    • Limit meats that are high in fact. Eliminate processed meats such as hot dogs, bacon and bologna. For more information, click here
  • Be active. Exercise.
    • Exercise helps move waste along in your system and helps bolster your disease-fighting immune system.
    • After checking with your doctor, start slowly and build your exercise program. Exercise doesn’t have to be in a gym. To learn more about exercise, click here.
  • If you are overweight, lose the extra weight. Excess weight is linked to cancer recurrence. For tips, click here
  • If you smoke quit. 
    •  Smoking can increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer at the same or another site. 
    •  You’ll also reduce your risk of heart disease and other smoking related illnesses. 
    • Your health history provides a personal incentive to stop. The odds are in your favor if you want to badly enough. It’s all about will power. 
    • For information about how to stop smoking, click here
  • Avoid or limit consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is a risk factor for colorectal cancer as well as other cancers.] For tips about limiting alcohol consumption, click here offsite link
  • Reduce your exposure to carcinogens (substances that can cause cancer)
  • Subject to the approval of your doctor, consider taking vitamins and/or supplements to make up for any nutritional deficiencies and 1 aspirin pill daily. Studies show that aspirin users have less colorectal cancer. See the vitamins section of this document. 
  • Do not try to change everything overnight, or expect that you can. Change takes time - especially when habits build up over a lifetime. Start slowly, perhaps in one area at a time. Do small steps you can accomplish. Then build on them, one at a time.
  • Continue to see your primary care doctor and other specialists.
    • Your primary care doctor is charged with overseeing your entire medical condition, helping you keep your system in maximum disease fighting shape, and for being on the lookout for health conditions. It may be difficult to accept, but other life changing events can happen. As you learned with colorectal cancer, the earlier you catch medical conditions, the better.
    • Make sure your oncologist and other doctors keep your primary care doctor up-to-date. For a list of information that should be in your medical file with your primary doctor, click here. 
  • Consider getting a pet.  In addition to helping you feel good, a pet may help prolong your life. To learn about choosing a pet, how to keep from getting infected by your pet etc, click here.
  • Bring humor into your life.
    • "A laugh a day keeps the doctor away" -- or at least makes you feel better.
    • For tips about bringing humor into your life, click here
  • Don’t let a fear of recurrence keep you from taking the steps described in this document.  (For information about dealing with emotions, click here
  • Consider advance directives.
    • If you haven’t already, now is the time to assure that you keep control of your medical care even if something happens and you become unable to speak for yourself.
    • The documents you’ll need to think about are called Advance Healthcare Directives and Advance Mental Health Directives. They are free and easy to execute.
    • While you’re at it, write a Will if you don’t have one, or check your existing will to be sure it is up-to-date. (For information about wills, click here).
    • For more information, see the documents in “To Learn More.”
    • Last, but not least, also think about what to do if there is an emergency or a disaster. Our documents in “To Learn More” provide guidance.
  • Medical expenses may linger or new ones may be incurred. Maximize your financial resources. See: How to Maximize Use Of Your Health Insurance and Colorectal Cancer Finances)

NOTE: Call your doctor right away if you have symptoms listed in If These Symptoms Appear, Call Your Doctor.”  

Vitamins and Supplements To Consider Taking


The following supplements and vitamins have proved to be useful in reducing the likelihood of a recurrence of colorectal cancer. Ask your oncologist and primary care doctor about taking them before taking any vitamins or supplements (or over-the-counter drugs).

  • For women: at least 1,200 milligrams a day of calcium may reduce the likelihood of a recurrence and minimize the number of polyps if it does return. (Calcium is not recommended for men because it can increase the risk of prostate cancer).
  • 400 micrograms of folic acid when not taking cancer treatment.
  • Up to 800 IUs daily of Vitamin D if you do not get exposure to sunlight or enough Vitamin D from your diet.

Also consider taking an aspirin each day. Research shows that aspirin helps to prevent colorectal cancer. Keep in mind that aspirin can result in gastrointestinal bleeding which can be serious.

NOTE: Also consider using complementary therapies such as massage to ease stress. 

More information about this subject is contained in the Main Article in "To Learn More."

To Learn More

Screening Tests Recommended By The American Cancer Society


For women: 
  • All women should get an annual Pap test or every two years using the liquid-based pap test.
  • Women age 20 – 39: get a clinical breast exam.
  • Women starting age 40, get a yearly mammogram
  • Starting at age 40, get a rectal prostate exam.
  • Starting at age 50, discuss with your doctor whether to be tested for prostate cancer. Research has not yet proven that the potential benefits of testing outweigh the harms of testing and treatment. If you are African American or have a father or brother who had prostate cancer before age 65, you should have this talk with your doctor starting at age 45.

More information about this subject is contained in the Main Article in "To Learn More."

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Main Section

If Any Of These Symptoms Appear, Call Your Doctor Right Away

If any of the following symptoms appear, or if symptoms occur that are not on the list but you are concerned anyhow, contact your doctor without delay. (See the document in “To Learn More.”) Let your doctor decide whether a symptom is important.

  • Back pain for two days.
  • Bleeding from the rectum (either dark or bright red blood).
  • Continuous abdominal pain, bloating or fullness.
  • Bowel movements as follows:
    • Constant urge to have a bowel movement, even after you just had one
    • Stool quality or color changes
    • Excess mucus secretions that accompany a bowel movement
  • Constipation that is ongoing that does not respond to laxatives or other remedies described in our document about constipation. (link to A1413)
  • Coughing
    • Coughing that doesn’t go away after three days.
    • Any coughing that produces green or yellow sputum.
  • Diarrhea that is ongoing despite management tips which you can find by clicking here.
  • Dizziness
  • Eyes or skin seem yellow or suntanned
  • Fever more than 100.5 degrees , or shaking chills.
  • General malaise or fatigue or lack of appetite for more than a few days.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea or vomiting that is ongoing. (To learn management techniques, click here)
  • Neck stiffness
  • Night sweats
  • Pelvic pain
  • Severe chills
  • Trouble breathing: call 911.
  • Urine
    • Blood in the urine
    • Decreased urine flow
    • Difficulty urinating
    • Burning or pain while urinating
  • Weight loss that is unexplained


  • Report all unanticipated changes in your health to primary care physician as well as to your oncologist. The symptoms could relate to your cancer or to something else entirely.  An update by fax or email will do.   
  • If you experience fatigue, work with your doctor to try to determine the cause. For example, fatigue could be a symptom of:
    • Depression: A psychologist can help improve functioning, especially one knowledgeable about the impact of cancer. Psychotropic medication may also help.
    • Hypothyroidism: Thyroid tests usually done routinely may not be specific enough for people with cancer treatment in their medical history. If thyroid problems are suspected, a specialist known as an endocrinologist will be able to accurately diagnose and treat them.
    • Anemia: A simple blood test can determine iron deficiency anemia. Some people may need iron supplementation. A change in eating habits may help.
    • Heart problems.
    • For tips about dealing with fatigue, click here.

Follow Up Visits & Tests For Colon and Rectal Cancer


Follow-up visits with your oncologist will continue.  The timing of  those visits, as well as what happens during those visits, varies depending on the treatment, your particular health situation and other individual factors.

As you review the following, keep in mind that blood test results generally vary from lab to lab. Exams can result in a false positive or false negative. Only additional testing or a biopsy is definitive.

At the least, a follow-up visit usually involves:

  • A review of your medical history
  • A thorough physical examination including a rectal examination (insertion of the gloved index finger into the rectum)
  • A discussion about your symptoms since the last visit (our Symptoms Diary can help keep track of symptoms from visit to visit. The push of a button turns the information into an easy to read graph. Click here 
  • Taking blood for blood tests such as the CEA or CA19-9 blood test. 
  • The doctor will likely order some follow-up tests. Common follow-up tests include:
    • Colonoscopy  (often recommended six months to one year after surgery)
    • Barium enema (a series of x rays of the colon or rectum that are taken after the patient is given an enema containing a contrast medium (usually barium sulfate). The contrast medium generally is described as tasting like chalk. Air can be instilled into the colon along with the barium contrast medium to further define structures of the large bowel and rectum.  Barium enemas are frequently replaced by a colonoscopy.
    • Chest x-rays 
    • If symptoms warrant, a CT scanMRI, or Ultrasound
    • Many doctors order a PET scan for the early detection of recurrent colorectal cancer.
  • A discussion period  to discuss with your doctor:
    • Your progress
    • Your questions and concerns. We provide a prioritizer to help you keep track of questions and concerns. A button reorders your entries before the appointment according to your priorities. For information about how to effectively work with a doctor, see “To Learn More.
    • The doctor’s concerns

NOTE: If results from an exam are negative, or if liver lesions or lung spots appear, keep in mind that only further testing or a biopsy is definitive.

More information about this subject is contained in the Main Article in "To Learn More."

How To Deal With Ongoing Or New Symptoms

It is possible that the physical and mental effects of chemotherapy or radiation will continue  - or new symptoms may show up. For example:

  • If you have been experiencing erectile dysfunction, it is likely to continue. To learn the steps for dealing with erectile dysfunction, click here
  • If you had radiation or chemotherapy, fatigue may continue.  For coping techniques, click here. Depression may be ongoing or recurrent.  Click here  for information about coping with depression. Click here for information about coping with holiday depression.
  • You may even experience post traumatic stress disorder or a tingling or pain in your hands or feet (peripheral neuropathy).
  • If you had chemotherapy, it is not unusual for a reaction known as "chemo brain" to continue or even to show up after treatment ends. For information about coping with chemo brain, click here
  • If you had radiation, a condition known as “radiation recall” may appear.

If any lingering effects interfere with your life or seem severe, contact your cancer doctor or other health care provider.


  • Report all unanticipated changes in your health to primary care physician as well as to your oncologist. The symptoms could relate to your cancer or to something else entirely.  An update by fax or email will do.   
  • If you experience fatigue, work with your doctor to try to determine the cause. For example, fatigue could be a symptom of any of the following conditions:
    • Depression: A psychologist can help improve functioning, especially one knowledgeable about the impact of cancer. Psychotropic medication may also help.
    • Hypothyroidism: Thyroid tests usually done routinely may not be specific enough for people with cancer treatment in their medical history. If thyroid problems are suspected, a specialist known as an endocrinologist will be able to accurately diagnose and treat them.
    • Anemia: A simple blood test can determine iron deficiency anemia. Some people may need iron supplementation. A change in eating habits may help.
    • Heart problems.

What Five Year Survival Means


5-years used to be an indication that people were “cured” of cancer because so few people lived that long after a diagnosis. With people living longer and longer these days, the 5 year mark has lost much of its significance.

Today, 5-year survival rates are used by medical scientists as a simple measure that allows them to compare outcomes of different treatments. They are also used by doctors to discuss a patient's prognosis in general. 

Surviving 5 years after treatment is an encouraging landmark. The longer you survive, the better your chances of remaining cancer free. However, 5-year survival has no medical significance as such.

More information about this subject is contained in the Main Article in "To Learn More."

To Learn More

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