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Depression: Treatment

Treatments For Depression

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Depression can be treated non-medically as well as medically.

On a non-medical basis, the following have been known to help:

Medical treatments available to treat depression include the following:

  • Psychotherapy with a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker or therapist.
  • Short or long term treatment with anti-depressant medications.
  • A combination of psychotherapy and treatment with anti-depressant medications.
  • For patients who do not respond to treatment for depression, the FDA has approved a pacemaker-like device known as a Vagus Nerve Stimulator.

Anti-depressant medications can provide relatively quick symptom relief, though it can take trial and error to find a drug that works without unacceptable side effects. It can also take several weeks for the drugs to be effective. While psychologists and social workers cannot prescribe drugs, they are likely to have arrangements with doctors and/or psychiatrists who prescribe and monitor drug use for their patients.

Psychotherapy can provide an outlet for you to discuss some of the feelings you are having, as well as helping you to develop new or improved coping mechanisms. Therapy may be approached individually or with a partner/family member for support.

Your doctor will be able to discuss treatment options with you in much greater detail, taking into account any relevant factors as:

  • Other medical conditions you may have.
  • Your physical and psychological history.
  • Your lifestyle.
  • Your economic situation (including insurance.)

To help determine which treatment is best for you, see: How To Choose A Treatment For Depression That Is Best For You.

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