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Step Five: Imagine a calming scene.

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  • Now that you are relaxed, imagine a calming scene. Choose a spot that is particularly pleasant to you. It may be a favorite comfortable room, a sandy beach, a chair in front of a fireplace, or any other relaxing place. Concentrate on the details:
    • What can you see around you?
    • What do you smell?
    • What are the sounds that you hear? For example, if you are on the beach, how does the sand feel on your feet, how do the waves sound, and how does the air smell?
    • Can you taste anything?
    • Some people find it helpful to look at a photograph of what they are trying to visualize.
  • Continue to breathe deeply as you imagine yourself relaxing in your safe, comfortable place.
  • Some people find it helpful at this point to focus on thoughts that enhance their relaxation. For example: "My arms and legs are very comfortable. I can just sink into this chair and focus only on the relaxation."
  • Spend a few more minutes enjoying the feeling of comfort and relaxation.

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